Sunday, December 6, 2009

Just in time?

So I finished off my Thanksgiving break by picking up the boy's cold, which took care of much of my past week. Sneeze, sniffle, cough, repeat.

I did attempt some cooking- I made an abbreviated chex mix, following the "bold" recipe (with hot sauce). I now have a bag of overly spicy, slightly burned, nigh-inedible snack mix. The "burned" part should have tipped me off there was a problem.

I decided on Thursday night to make meringues. Heated the oven, mixed them up, piped them into nice little stars, put them into the oven. Paused to clean off the oven thermometer that got knocked over and took out a corner meringue in the process. Closed the doors, turned the oven off. When I went to go to bed, I checked and they seemed to be drying nicely. Friday morning, however, they had gone a bit gummy. I decided to turn the oven back on for a bit to dry them out again, so I set it to "low" (below 225). Went to the other room, was alerted a bit later by the smell of burned sugar. Opened oven, meringues are a cocoa brown color (would be nice if they were chocolate, but they were lemon). The oven thermometer said it was 350. My nagging suspicion that the thermostat is not accurate at low temperatures? confirmed. Seems to be fine for settings in the 300-400 range, though.

On Saturday I finally decided I had to plant the daffodil bulbs I had bought, so I did so. I also moved the rhubarb to a sunnier spot, while I was at it. Didn't get the bearded iris in the ground, but I hope I can work with that.

I guess I planted those bulbs at the right time, thought, because they are predicting snow tomorrow. Snow. Like, frozen water from the sky. Not hail, the other stuff. Weird. I know it exists, I have seen it. I have even seen it fall here a couple of times. But still, very strange.

And, of course, not I am worried that all of my plants will freeze. Worry, worry.